Monday, January 30, 2006

Virginia Bound

From Mike...

Now that we've been able to check California off our adventure list, we're gearing up to settle down in Virginia. I am leaving this week to move to Virginia Beach and get settled in before law school. Adrienne will stay in Amarillo and continue her business for several months until I get some things in order for us in Virginia. Once things fall into place we'll be back through Nashville to get our things out of storage. We'll make sure to say hi when we come through. At this point the blog posts may decline to about once a month since there's not a whole lot going on these days. Thanks for checking in on us!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

West Coast Adventure

Well, it's hard to believe but we finally made it to California!! Although we didn't go out there to stay we enjoyed seeing the sights and are glad to have made it out there before heading to Virginia. Here are some pictures of our stops along the way...

Here we are in the Arizona desert - we had dinner in Scottsdale with A's college roommate, Pepper.

A at the Grand Canyon

Mike hanging over the Hoover Dam - you'll have to take our word for it since it was dark by the time we got there.

Las Vegas!

Mike & A out on the town in Vegas - we went to see Cirque Du Soleil's perfomance of "O" at the Bellagio.

Mike standing in front of Air Force One at the Reagan Library in California

Mike & A enjoying the beaches of Malibu and Santa Monica...

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Travel Update

Mike here...

At this point it probably seems like our entire plan for adventure and travel to the west coast is a bit of a pipe dream...well, not so fast. We are hoping to leave this weekend and spend a couple of weeks in California and travel around a bit. I was never able to get a job in Los Angeles and that really put a damper on our plans. But we're hoping to have a smaller travel experience before we settle down and get serious about our move to Virginia and the beginning of law school. Hope everyone is well and stay in touch.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Bringing in 2006

From A...

To celebrate New Year's Eve, Mike and I drove to Dallas to meet up with some friends and hear one of them play in a band. We hadn't seen them since we left Nashville so it was great to catch up with them while they were back in Texas seeing family...