Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Quick update from Mike

Back from the job interviews and long drive out to LA (I drove one of our cars out there and flew back into Lubbock). LA is an amazing place to be and I had a wonderful experience. As of now, I still do not have a job lined up but I do have several applications waiting for consideration. Adrienne and I are really enjoying our time with family right now and have given some consideration to altering our travel plans a bit. We had some glitches with the house closing and I underestimated how difficult it would be to get a job in LA quickly. So, we knew this whole adventure would be a leap of faith and would require a step by step approach and now we are living it out. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we make our plans to get to the west coast. In the meantime, Adrienne and I will keep posting some pictures of how things are going in Texas.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Fun in the Sun (& Water!!)

From A...

We spent this past week parked at my mom's house at Buffalo Springs Lake - this is the lake where I grew up, and it brings back wonderful memories to be there. My cousin, Greg, grew up with us at the lake and is now the Lake Manager. Mike and I spent the day with him yesterday - four-wheeling, water skiing and having a blast!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Helga's Overhaul

From A...

We're gearing up for another long weekend of repairs on Helga - but we're making lots of progress! We stay parked at my dad's house on the weekends while he works on Helga at his shop back behind his house. He's an incredible mechanic and has done a great job of getting us ready to hit the road again (which, by the way, has been delayed indefinitely - more on that in a later post). My Uncle Bill has been around some too to share his skills and expertise. So Mike and I have been making lots of parts runs and trying to pitch in where we can to lend Dad a helping hand...

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Aunt A

From A...

While Mike's been in LA, I've been getting to play Aunt for a week at my sister's house in Amarillo - here are some pictures of the 3 cutie-pies I get to spend my days with...

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Tales from the Litter Box

From A...

For those of you wondering how Macey is doing - she's adjusting wonderfully!! I have been very relieved to see her adapt so well to RV life. She knows the drill when she needs to "load up" in her cage to travel to our next stop. She relaxes well while we're driving from place to place and also when we stop and unload for the night. Here are some pictures of her making Helga her home...

Sunday, August 14, 2005

The City of Angels

Mike here...

I will be in Los Angeles for the next week looking for a job. I'm going to try to set up and interview with the Los Angeles Dodgers to see if they need someone to sit in the dugout during games and make sure everyone has sunflower seeds, tobacco and steroids...er, wait, isn't it illegal to use tobacco during a sporting event?

Actually, I really am going to LA to look for a job, so keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I travel and set up interviews.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Helga in the Hub City

Mike here, again...

After leaving Brownwood we drove to Abilene for the morning to see some friends at the Big State Auto Auction and see Adrienne's dad, who works there on Fridays. I also had a chance to visit my old barber and get a spiffy new haircut. Adrienne and I met and married in Abilene while we were both in college at Abilene Christian University. It is a special place for us and we always enjoy driving through on the way to see Adrienne's family in Lubbock (The Hub City). We've been on the road a little over a week now and Helga is in need of some R&R (rest and repairs). Adrienne's dad is a master mechanic and he's going to give her a complete physical and makeover.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Deep in the heart of Texas

Mike here...

Our next stop on the tour was a brief stay with my dad and step-mom in Brownwood, Texas, the home of the Brownwood Lions and Underwood's Cafeteria. They live on the lake and we spent the afternoon having a great time. Here are some pictures to prove it. (We brought Darby along from College Station to join in on the fun.)

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Is that an M-16?

Mike here again...

Yes, it is. After leaving College Station we spent one night in Fort Hood, Texas with more family. My step-brother (BJ) is an army medic stationed in Fort Hood and we were able to have about five minutes of his time while he was training in the field. He leaves for his first tour of Iraq later this year so keep him and his family (wife and ten month-old son) in your thoughts and prayers.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

"Coming Right Up"

Mike here...

We have a four year-old niece named Darby and anytime you ask her to do something ("Darby, will you hand me the remote control?") she responds by saying, "coming right up." We spent about five days in College Station, Texas with my sister and brother-in-law (Kelly and Steve)and their two children (Darby and Tayler). We were so exhausted from the move out of Nashville we mainly rested and watched movies. Some of the highlights were learning at what point Helga actually runs out of gas...watching Adrienne speed away leaving the gas can on the side of the road...and watching Aunt A and Darby jump on the trampoline.

Friday, August 05, 2005

First Stop...St. Amant

From Mike...
After leaving Nashville we went to St. Amant (rhymes with Panama) Louisiana to see some dear friends, the Parishes. They own the Parish Hermitage, a beautiful spiritual retreat center in the swampland of Southern Louisiana. Eddie married us nearly ten years ago in Abilene, Texas and we've stayed in touch ever since.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Bon Voyage!

From Adrienne...

Today was my last day at work - we said goodbye to our friends at Belmont as we drove Helga off into the sunset...

Monday, August 01, 2005

Helga's First Outing

We took Helga out this past weekend for a trial run to see how she (and we!) could handle roughing it in the wild outdoors. Along with some friends we went camping and rafting on the Ocoee River. We enjoyed our last weekend in Tennessee with our close friends - here are a few pictures of the festivities...